If you require a parachuting expert witness service you have come to the right place. Our team have many years of parachuting experience in both military and civilian parachuting. A wealth of knowledge that has been built up instructing, competing and examining all over the world. Our expertise covers parachuting under the auspices of

  • British Skydiving (Formerly British Parachute Association)
  • The USPA (United States Parachuting Association)
  • British military training conducted under the JSATFA (Adventurous training)
  • Parachuting conducted by the Ministry of Defence (MOD) Military static line and Military Freefall.

The role of expert witnesses in English law is to give explanations of difficult or technical topics in civil and criminal trials, to assist the fact-finding process.

Home is the harbor of love, the home of my soul.
  • We have had many successful complex cases where our expertise has been used to assist the court.
  • We have without a doubt an encyclopedic knowledge of Parachuting both Military and Civilian.
  • All consideration is given to forming an impartial and expert opinion based on knowledge and in many cases Physics.

Here at Parachuting Expert Witness, we can assist you with our knowledge – Please contact us for further details.